You can now OWN the same model that I have worked so hard on – over the last few years, to help you make better decisions with your NHL Sports Betting.
This is the same model that I use everyday to make my bets, to do the NHL leans show that I do every day on TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube!
There is no success rate on this spreadsheet, as there are always opportunities to win and lose equally. YOU have to do your best secondary, and sometimes, tertiary research to help yourself decide which is the best bet of the day; these leans make that job much easier!
Inside the model, I list instructions on getting all the data you need to form your first lean, but at the end of the day, the model might suggest a ML for one team and a +1.5 for the opposite side – ultimately it will be your decision to lay a play, or stay away!
You must have a computer.
You must have Microsoft XLS loaded on to your computer.
This file WILL NOT work well on cell phone or ipdad. If you want to take your sports betting seriously. I highly recommend getting yourself a cheap laptop that has Windows, and MS Excel – Click here for a recommended computer.
There are ZERO refunds. This is a digital product that can be easily copied and reproduced, therefore…zero refunds.

To buy the NHL Sports Betting Model – Venmo $125 to @GMoneyFoo and I will email the file to you the same day.
Send me an email with any questions you might have to [email protected]